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Francis Mojica

ARRIGE Kick-Off meeting: keynote lecture by Francisco J.M. Mojica

By arrige, CRISPR, Kick-Off meeting, meeting, presentations, videoNo Comments

Keynote Lecture delivered by Francisco J.M. Mojica (University of Alicante, Spain) on “Setting the stage, where do we stand today with CRISPR technology” and introduced by Lluis Montoliu (CNB-CSIC and CIBERER-ISCIII, Madrid, Spain). ARRIGE Kick-Off meeting was held on 23 March 2018 at the Région Île-de-France Parliament, in Paris, France.

ARRIGE Kick-Off meeting video files available from the new ARRIGE YouTube channel. All 21 video files can be played and watched in the correct order through the ARRIGE Kick-Off meeting YouTube Play List.

More information about ARRIGE can be obtained from the ARRIGE web site.